Navigating The Speech Rights Of Autonomous Robots In A Sea Of Legal Uncertainty

By: Lynne Higby[*] “To give computers the rights intended for humans is to elevate our machines above ourselves.”[1] INTRODUCTION Artificial intelligence is currently making waves in our reality’s journalistic sphere. Artificial intelligence (AI), generally, is a branch of computer science that involves the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers; it is a machine’s capability to…

The New McCarthyism: How The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Got Automated License Plate Readers And The Mosaic Theory All Wrong

By: Dan Noffsinger Abstract Many scholars have explored the intersection of 21st-century technologies with Fourth Amendment jurisprudence. Some have approached this as digital-age versions of papers, effects, and the curtilage, while others have addressed the third-party Miller doctrine. One theory gaining support, based partly on the concurring Supreme Court opinions of United States v. Jones,…